Monday, October 31, 2011

Vegetarianism and the Environment

Is it possible that your choice of diet can effect the environment? Having a vegetarian diet can actually have good effects on the environment, but also following the vegetarian lifestyle. Besides having a good effect on your health, finances, and ethics being a vegetarian also helps the environment.

Being a vegetarian you are conserving fossil fuels, according to, it takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce one calorie of beef protein, 35 calories for one calorie of pork, 22 calories for one calorie of poultry as appose to one calorie of fossil fuel for one calorie of soybeans, the difference is great.

Another reason according to is that "in Brazil and other tropic regions are destroyed daily, in part, to create more acreage to raise livestock" since vegetarians don't eat meat they don't have a demand for livestock.

Pets are friends not food.

Eat your veggies.

Who are you really eating?

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