Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Think Twice, Recycle! Topic: Plastic Bottles

It is very convenient when we are on the run to just pick up a plastic bottle rather than keeping around a reusable container. Almost everyone you and I know has had at least one bottle a week. With the population in the U.S. being 310 million that is a lot of plastic bottles we are dealing with.

It takes on average 450 years for a plastic bottle to decompose and break down according to epa.gov. So in our life time the plastic bottle will never be able to decompose, that is unless we recycle. We have to get ourselves into thinking once we are finished using something, not to just toss it out the window or throw it aways. We need to find our local recycling centers and see of what further use we can get out of our materials.

Since the year 1990 about 27 percent more people have been recycling their plastic bottles according to earth911.com. For every one ton of plastic bottles recycled it saves 7.4 cubic yards of landfill space. Think before you toss, and remember you can make a difference!

Plastic bottles can take on average 450 years to decompose that is longer than four humans lifetime.

Be creative with the way you recycle


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