Friday, October 28, 2011

Pets Part 1: Why Spay or Neuter Pets?

Everyone loves animals and more so baby animals, in the U.S alone about 40 percent of Americans own a pet dog and about 33 percent of Americans own a pet cat. With these statistics it would be very wise for pet owners to spay and neuter their pets, but why?

Pets who are not spayed or neutered go about reproducing more and more so there are many animals left who are homeless and without a loving family to care for them, many of these poor animals are killed or go starving. According to the some states have up to 300,000 homeless animals which end up euthanized in animal shelters each year. Many of these pets who are euthanized aren't just muts but purebreds who become euthanized.

It would be very beneficial to decide to get our pets spayed or neutered. It's the loving thing to do.

We all love baby animals, decided to have your pets spayed or neutered

Be kind to your pets, make the right choice for them

Choose to spay or neuter your pets.

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