Friday, October 7, 2011

Think Twice, Recycle! Topic: Batteries

Think about it, they are everywhere! Batteries are in our phones, our remote controls, and even our cars! There are proper ways of disposing of them rather than throwing them away in your trashcan. You should make the choice to recycle of these batteries so they may be renewed for someone else to use.

50 percent of the lead supply in the US comes from recycled batteries according to That is a high percentage. It will only be so if we keep continuing to recycle our old batteries.

There are many places in Brownsville alone that have recycling services for batteries. Some of these places are: Best Buy, Battery Solutions Inc., Staples Corp. and many more. If you want to reach out and make the difference it is not that hard to do.

Never go this far. Always chose to recycle!

Make the choice go green! recycle!

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