Friday, October 28, 2011

Pets Part 2: Why Adopt a Pet Today

There is not quite a joy as when you know you rescued an animal from being euthanized or from being starving from the street. If you are one of the Americans who do not yet have a pet but are looking for one, you might want to consider the choice of adoption from the local animal shelter.

Since many pet owners fail to spay or neuter their pets there is an overflow of pets in the streets who end up getting run over or starve, (see Pets Part 1: Why Spay or Neuter Your Pets). You can be the rescue to these helpless creatures if you make the choice to adopt today.

Most animal shelters euthanize pets who have been there too long, although some animal shelters use other options. When you adopt one of these animals the animal shelter you picked it from will usually spay or neuter your new pet before you bring it home.

These animals are not always mutts, according to the many of these animals are purebreds. If you choose to adopt you are saving a life. Many of these animals were rescued from the street, saved from being run over or in danger.

 Choose to adopt a new pet today!

Save a life, and adopt a pet!

Make the choice

Get a new family member, and adopt today.

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