Wednesday, October 5, 2011

To Reduce or Not to Reduce?

If everyone thought why should I be the one to reduce my waste I'm sure enough people do it anyway it will not matter if I do or don't, then we would have no one reducing their waist and the earth would be in even more of a mess than it is now.

There are very simple easy ways that anyone do to reduce waste and even save some green. Some easy ways to do so according to are as simple as packing your own waste-free lunch to school or work with by putting your food into a reusable container that you can always use. Another thing to remember is to only take enough food that you know you will eat.

More ways according to that can help us reduce waste for school is by buying school supplies that we can reuse each school year and semester, things such as refillable pens and pencils a durable backpack and lunchbox and binders that we can use over again.

One of the most effective ways to reduce waste and help the trees is by cutting down on paper usage.
 Teachers should start by trying to go green and have students e-mail their work to them if possible. If not teachers and students should always try to recycle paper rather than throwing it away. So many trees don't have to but cut down for paper usage. Always try to buy recycled paper as well.

Using reusable food containers helps reduce waste

Always remember where your paper comes from before you decide to waste it

Go green! Go smart!

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