Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Threat to Life?

How well can humans, plants and animals adapt to the earths ever changing vicious climate cycles. Can we adapt fast enough to survive? A recent article in states that "a warmer, wetter Earth with higher CO2 levels could support more life - if there were time to adapt to it."

Our planet generally has stable weather and a stable climate it has been so for thousands of years. So what happens to all known life on earth when the climate starts heating up. According to, "the world is warming very rapidly and could become hotter than it has been for millions of years, and the climate is going to be anything but stable for the foreseeable future."

So what can humans do to survive? Put on sunglasses? wear more UV protection? Is there anything we can do to prevent this problem? Well the website goes on to state that "41 percent of Americans believe the burning of fossil fuels causes global warming. But in a meeting this week in Paris, officials from 113 nations have agreed that a highly anticipated international report will state that global warming was "very likely'' caused by human activity." suggests that, "human-caused global warming—also called “anthropogenic” global warming, is the latest example of life altering Earth, but it is not the most dramatic." There are other things taht alter the earths global warming such as the methane cows release when they have gas. states that agriculture, or cows more specifically contribute to 14 percent of the earth's green house gases.

What can we do to help? The website says some ways to help reduce global warming would be, to:
1. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
2. Use less heat and air conditioning
3. Switch your bulbs to fluorescent light blubs
4. Drive less, Drive smart
5. Buy energy-efficient products
6. Use less hot water
7. Use the "off" switch
8. Plant a tree
9. Get a report card from your utility company
10. encourage others to conserve.

Are there any other things you can do to help your campus or community to go green? If you do send your ideas to: and your idea will come out on this blog!

Help with global warming, save a life

See the proof firsthand

Our home a fiery furnace?

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