Monday, November 7, 2011

Fruit Peels for Rich Soil

Before you decided to throw away your orange peels, banana peels, or any other fruit peels, if you cut them and store them in a pot with dirt and then place them to create rich soil, they will help your garden of flowers, or fruit or even if you are just planting a tree to grow.

Since fruit peels are organic, they decompose turn into something that helps plants and other organic things grow. They are very beneficial to help you start growing a garden. Bugs and worms can help the process go by faster by working the fruit peels and quickly turning them into rich soil nutrients.

There are many alternatives rather than just throwing things in the trash bin, you can think twice and reuse them to help start and grow a beautiful garden which is also giving back to help make a earth friendly environment.

Fruit and veggie compost

Rich soil made of fruit and veggie peels

Cut pieces of banana to make it easier to decompose

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