Friday, September 23, 2011

Think Twice, Recycle! Topic: Tires

Everyone today in America has a car or use some sort of cars for transportation, and generally cars have four or more tires depending on the size of the vehicle. Because there are so many tires, one wonders, what is the proper way of disposing these tires?

 One of the issues in the Rio Grand Valley have been burning of tires. That is the last thing we would want to do to get rid of our old tires. According to there are 15 main reasons why we shouldn't burn tires. One important reason it mentions is it "releases a toxic soup of pollutants... hundreds of different toxins are created by burning tires as well as a tremendous number of small particles that settle deep in the lungs." The website also goes on to state, "children, fetuses, nursing babies, elderly, asthmatics, immune suppressed individuals are all much more vulnerable to the pollutants released burning tires." These are the most important reasons why we should think twice before we pollute our environment by burning old tires.

Instead of being harmful to our environment why don't we think of ways we can reuse our old tires and see what we can do with them rather than burn them.

Right outside of Brownsville Texas, the city of Olmito has opened a tire recycling center called "Tire Recycling and Processing LLC" it's focus is to get people more aware of recycling their old tires in exchange for cash. It feels good to do what we are supposed to and to know we will get rewarded for it.

As much as this is an ugly site to look at, the effects it causes are very dangerous
There are varies ways to recycle tires. Be creative. Think before you burn.

Even shoe manufactures are thinking of ways to recycle tires for shoe soles.

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