Friday, September 23, 2011

Making the Switch: Fluorescent or Incandescent light bulbs?

Does it really matter what type of light bulbs we use to light up our house and rooms? Well it is a good question that many people should wonder. Is there really a difference between the two and how much of a difference will it make?

According to incandescent light bulbs turns electrical energy into heat, this heat causes the outer surface white part of the bulb to become hot and the inside part of it glows because of the heat. Heat waists a lot of electricity, being said also heat is not light so much energy is waisted, and these types of bulbs are considered insufficient.

Whereas the website gives the definition of fluorescent light bulbs as using an entirely different way of producing light. "There is a stream of electrons flowing between the electrodes at both ends of the fluorescent bulb. The electrons interact with mercury vapor atoms floating inside the bulb. The mercury atoms become excited, and when they return to an unexcited state they release photons of light in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. These ultraviolet photons collide with the phosphor coating the inside of the bulb, and the phosphor creates visible light."

So now we know fluorescent light bulbs are more energy efficient but are they really more cost efficient?
Although you will pay a higher price initially for fluorescent light bulbs they last much longer than an incandescent bulb. So you decide will you make the switch from incandescent bulbs to fluorescent?

You weigh out the balance. Make the switch to fluorescent bulbs, and save energy and money.

Fluorescent bulbs= the greener future.

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